My Dear Nana

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Essay#1- Narrative/descriptive My Dear Nana It seems like only yesterday on that cold, rainy afternoon when my Nana first told me that she was sick. It was in October of 1996; she got diagnosed with bone cancer at age 74. I guess it was too late when the doctors had found out. They still tried treating Nana with chemotherapy, but it just made her sicker. I didn’t realize how serious it really was until I saw my mother crying hysterically in the kitchen. I was about 10 years old at the time. My Nana and I were extremely close and I looked up to her. She was a school teacher, when she was younger, for almost 30 years. Nana taught 5th grade at North Park Academy. I know she had to be the best teacher. She was such a patient and caring person. My Nana was also very religious. She was Presbyterian but converted to Roman Catholicism. Every Sunday we went to church with Nana and were always involved in all the church activities. The best thing about Nana was she really knew how to cook well. I never met anyone who didn’t love her cooking. My favorite was her delicious apple pie. From that point on, those were the times with my Nana that I can remember when she wasn’t sick. I cherish those times, even today. They are memories I will hold on to forever. The pain and suffering that I witnessed my Nana go through was a devastating experience. One of my favorite memories I have of my Nana, was her last Christmas she had with my family. It was the Christmas of 1997, and there was so much snow outside the window all you could see was white. It was a beautiful Christmas. The one you hoped for every year. My Nana made her awesome Christmas cookies that my sister and I always got to decorate so pretty. We would eat so many cookies that stomachs would hurt. This time, in the middle of the second batch of cookies, my Nana fell to the ground. My sister and I started yelling for

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