Nora Roberts Research Paper

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Bio: Nora Roberts was born in Silver Spring Maryland, the youngest of five children. After a school career that included some time in Catholic school and the disciplines of nuns, she married young and settled in Keedysville, Maryland. She worked briefly as a legal secretary. "I could type fast but couldn't spell, I was the worst legal secretary ever," she says now. After her sons were born she stayed home and tried every craft that came along. A blizzard in February 1979 forced her hand to try another creative outlet. She was snowed in with a three and six year old with no kindergarten respite in sight and a dwindling supply of chocolate. Born into a family of readers, Nora had never known a time that she wasn't reading or making up stories. During…show more content…
Staying at home | |with her two small sons, she was the ultimate earth mother, gardening, canning fruits and vegetable, | |making her son’s clothes, stitching and knitting. “I macramed two hammocks,” she admits now. “I needed | |help.” | |That help came in the form of a blizzard in February 1979, which left her stranded at home for a week. | |In an age without four-wheel drive vehicles, getting down the hillside from where she lived was | |impossible. Morning kindergarten was canceled for a week. It was the endless games of Candy Land and a | |severe lack of chocolate that drove her to look for a little entertainment that was not child-related. | |She took out a notebook and started to write down one of the stories she’d made up in her head. | |As the story took shape on paper, the idea took shape in Nora’s mind that “this is IT. This is the thing| |I am meant to do.” The sun came out and the snow melted. The crafts were shelved and a career was born.
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