Muscular Endurance In Tennis

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In Tennis, you require certain components of fitness, let's take a closer look: You require Cardiovascular Endurance. Cardiovascular Endurance is (cardio) heart, (vascular) lungs, (endurance) how long you can last. There is also stamina which is being able to keep maximum effort of the cardiovascular system. These are required because you need to keep going throughout the entire game and so that you don’t tire quickly. Another component would be dynamic strength which is repeating a movement using muscular force. You need this because you need to be able to repeatedly hit the ball with sufficient force. Explosive strength is another factor that is needed. Explosive strength is where muscular effort is in one burst. You need this…show more content…
Gross-Body Equilibrium is keeping balance using senses; this is needed in Tennis because you need to be able to keep balance when returning a shot. Response orientation is deciding on the position for an action quickly, this is an essential part of tennis as you need to be able to quickly position yourself in order to return a shot effectively. Being able to respond quickly to a stimulus (Reaction time) is required in tennis as you need to be able to react quickly to the direction in the air due to the windy conditions. Speed of movement which is being able to make gross rapid movements is required because you need to be able to get to the other side of the court in order to return the shots. Another factor would be manual dexterity which is being able to make accurate arm/hand movements involving objects at speed. This is essential because you need to be able to produce a shot accurately at speed. Rate control is being able to change the speed and direction of responses accurately and this is needed because you need to change position on the court and react with accuracy and

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