Principles of Fitness Straining

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Principles of Fitness Training These are training methods which improve the athletes performance. FITT principles: Frequency- This is how often the athlete will train Intensity- This is how hard the athlete works for each repetition, This can be increase by adding more weight to be lifted or increasing speed or gradient on a treadmill. Time- Is how long the athlete will train for per session. Type- Is the type of training they will use, this varies the exercises the athlete does. Specificity- This is when you improve the range of movement for a specific joint, you have to perform exercises that involve that joint action. Progression- This is when you gradually increase the amount of exercise done to benefit the athlete Overload- Is when an athlete performs a mobility exercise and stretches to the end of their range of movement. The load must be progressively increase as training develops, overload can be progressed by increasing the resistance, number of repetitions, sets of exercise or intensity. Recovery- Rest is required for the body to recover from the training Tedium- When training gets boring this can lead to poor performance, so activities should be interesting. Put the principles into context, by explaining how they would be used in designing a training programme for a named athlete. Include an example training programme which is designed around the FITT and SPORT Principles. The Key Health and Safety Issues Hazards: Loose screws in the equipment- This is a high risk as people can be seriously injured. Anyone using the equipment will be at risk. Control measures would be to have regular safety checks to ensure the equipment is set up safely and ready to be used. Benches causing an obstruction- This is a low risk This will put everyone walking around in the gym at risk. Control measures would be to makes sure that the benches
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