Misdiagnosing ADHD in Children

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Misdiagnosing ADHD in Children When impulsive behavior, restlessness, absent-mindedness are the norm for a child, it may be a sign of ADHD. This illness is misunderstood by most of the population and thought of as an excuse for parents who cannot control their children, but “ADHD is very real, with very real symptoms, behaviors, and treatments” (Dr. Ronald Martino, 2008). The symptoms of ADHD are similar to the characteristics a young child with an inquisitive mind may posses, children get fidgety, impatient, curious, and emotional from time to time. Sometimes their attention wanders, they have questions they want answered, or they quiet simply need to run around and release some energy. However, the symptoms of ADHD are more serious than that of a child who has an inquisitive disposition. ADHD can lead to problems at home and at school, with family, teachers, and even friends; it is important to properly identify the symptoms and get help for a child who is not just being a kid. A great number of school-aged children have been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). ADHD creates problems for the child at school, for other students in the classroom, and the teacher. When a child hits age five there are certain skills that should be developed such as paying attention, keeping certain thoughts to them, and staying focused when given a task. A child with ADHD will have trouble staying focused when given a task by a teacher, often leading to missed assignments and outbursts in the classroom. The behavior problems associated with this disease makes it difficult to keep friends. Classmates may think it is funny at first, but eventually they grow bored of the classroom interruptions. Children with this disorder have trouble recognizing the personal space of others, which can sometimes lead to child spending a lot of time alone. Teachers who
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