Maya Angelou Monologue Analysis

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TASK: CHOOSE ONE THEME AND COMPLETE THE TASK FROM THE CHOICE BELOW: NARRATIVE, DESCRIPTION, MONOLOGUE, SCRIPT Standing forth, before the sun on a deserted beach full of golden sand which spread through my toes. A warm pleasant breeze brushed against me, ruffling my skin. I step back from the world, leaving everything and everyone behind. Ignoring the jumble of thoughts running around in my head as i watch red and orange flames casting over the moving sea, reflecting off every wave. A glisten of a glowing radiant light becomes visible on the waters horizon. I look down at my hands as the past event plays in my mind. The thought about my beloved sister no longer in my life pains me to my very core. I hope she understands what i have done…show more content…
My sister being herself, was open minded towards everyone not realising or not knowing who to trust. Additionally, i have had trust issues since the time my mother left me. Without her i have no path in my life. You were my only inspiration, someone who i can look up to after my mother. Now that your gone, life does not feel the same. Life is so empty, i guess i am just a living corpse. You have distanced away, i was close to you. Death comes on short notice it doesn't write or call to tell you that it 's coming , it doesn't even knock . And I learned it the hard way. When you left me, i have to believe that your no longer with me. My father has done this, he always had an eye out of you but i never knew it wasn't the affection of a daughter. He did not think twice what he is doing is not right. So what would i expect how my future would be. How hard is this going to be for me? The stuff you taught me i need to consider this and try to move on, but i am scared i might get caught. Coming back to my present, i feel that i should of died that night. It is my fault! The guilt for my father's death has taken me to deep depression, i don't know how to move on in my life. People ae going to find out about this crime. So many questions arise in my mind now as if they have captured me. I did not think of this when doing the crime. I have taken the law in my own hands which has flustered me. God help me? Do i have to run away from my past or shall i face the

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