Mathodological Approaches Essay

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Name and surname(s): Anna Gräfin von Westarp Login: MEFPMTFL1241293 Group: 2013-02 Date: August 26th, 2013 SUBJECT RESIT: METHODOLOGICAL APPROACHES INDEX Index ……………………………………………………..2 Question 1………………………………………………..3 Question2.………………………………………………..5 Question 3 ………………………………………………6 Conclusion……………………………………………….8 Bibliography ………………………………………….8 Question [pic][pic]1.- There are various statements in this text which are extremely questionable, depending on your own personal view of language learning. For example, the text says, “...the chart....can serve as a basis for lively questions and discussions....” Why might this be ‘questionable’? The use of charts and tables has been accepted in EFL teaching over the years and is a material widely used by teachers in their classes. In fact as the saying goes: A picture, or chart in this case, is worth 1000 words. The use of charts require that we, as teachers or learners, throw away information and focus on what is really essential. Some diagrams or charts do more than crystallise the essential underlying of a complex structure. They can create a whole new visual language to navigate on an idea. One of the strengths of graphs or charts is that it can usually be understood by almost anyone regardless of age and level. It has been used in approaches to language learning such as the Direct Method where “ ... students learn to understand a language by listening to a great deal of it, and they learn to speak it, by speaking it” ( Funiber, Methological Approaches p.25) This means the teacher has to use a series of materials in order to make students understand without using translation
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