A Personalised Induction Will Always Be More Effective

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A Cook 2013 words “A personalised induction will always be more effective” Discuss. Base your answer on theoretical concepts and techniques presented in class, In this essay titled “A personalised induction will always be more effective” I will discuss the different methods used in personal inductions and the individual issues which may be more effective for the individual client rather than using generic inductions. Then I will base my answer on theoretical concepts and techniques which were presented to me in class to enable me to reach my conclusion. When we communicate with people it seems that we generally do so using language – in fact this is not entirely true because our body language, tone and volume are far more important ingredients in communication than the words that we utter. Take a while to imagine a few scenarios that involve communication, and before long you will realise that in normal conversation we receive many clues other than words as to the message that the person is trying to get across. It has been stated that we communicate with people only 7% of the communication is made up from the words we speak and the remaining 93% is made up from the tone and volume of the words 38% and our body language 55%. So when we use language in hypnosis to achieve a change we have to study very carefully what we say. (1a). Through our class discussion we discovered how important the role in how we communicate with the client is essential. Whilst we do our Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) for our clients there are three modalities to take into consideration. By understanding the three modalities visual, auditory and kinaesthetic as described below we can be clear on how we adapt the inductions for our clients needs and how they will play a role in the way we communicate with each other. The visual (Sight) visual thinking puts us

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