Marketing and Principle

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Contents L3.1 Explain how products are developed to sustain competitive advantage 2 L3.2 Explain how distribution is arranged to provide customer convenience 11 L3.3 Explain how prices are set to reflect an organization’s objectives and market conditions 16 L3.4 Illustrate how promotional activity is integrated to achieve marketing objectives 22 L3.5 Analyze the additional elements of the extended marketing mix 30 L4.1 Plan marketing mixes for two different segments in consumer markets 35 L4.2 Illustrate differences in marketing products and services to businesses rather than consumers 39 L4.3 Show how and why international marketing differs from domestic marketing 41 Reference 48 L3.1Explain how products are developed to sustain competitive advantage The SMART is a school bags manufacturing company for kids, formed in year 2000, and became one of the leading company in whole country in year 2005, but now the company has shown some signs of losing its market share, as a lot of bags are being imported to the country. But being proactive, the company has started manufacturing some other related products to kids such as toys and dolls, in the globalization world the SMART is facing many competition in market, to win in today’s market place the SMART must become skillful not just in managing products but in managing relationship in the fact of determined competition. SMART must Building profitable customer relationship and gaining competitive advantages need delivering more value and satisfaction to target consumers than their competitors do. SMART Company need to identify its competitors before making competitive strategy, they define the SMART’s competitors as companies that are trying to satisfy the same customer need or build relationships with the same customer group . here their customers are providing same products which meet same

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