Man Is the Maker of His Own Destiny

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A strong learning environment enhances academic attainment, and develops students' social and relationship skills that last throughout their lives. The positive learning environment is achieved through the positive values. But what are values and value-based education? Values are our fundamental beliefs. They are the principles we use to define that which is right, good and just. Values provide guidance as we determine the right versus the wrong, the good versus the bad. They are our standards. It’s a principle that guides our behavior. The main aim of value based education is to soak us in the values so that we can imbibe them. We, then have to learn about respecting our self, respecting others and valuing the environment. It teaches us responsibility, trust, respect, compassion, and consistency. It makes us believe in ourselves, gives us confidence to think and empowers us to really do well. It also helps in nurturing creativity. Above all, it teaches us self discipline. Having knowledge in science, mathematics, accounts and commerce is not the only thing that makes a perfect student but also the inner voice which tells us how and where to apply it. When we talk about ‘self-discipline,’ we're actually talking about a number of different personality factors. One element of self-discipline is low impulsivity. A child with low impulsivity is able to wait their turn, to avoid interrupting others' conversations and to stay seated and quiet when appropriate. Self-discipline also includes the ability to control one's own thoughts, emotions and actions. Finally, the ability to delay gratification is an important element of self-discipline. A child with strong delay of gratification skills can refuse a small, instantaneous reward in exchange for a larger reward later on. The Greek philosopher Plato was once asked, “What man is most fit to govern a town?” Plato’s
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