Making a Magnetic Crane

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Making a Magnetic Crane Introduction: A magnetic crane is usually used in junkyards for the purpose of separating magnetic materials from the others. In this experiment, we have designed a small—scale crane similar to those we know. It uses an electromagnet to lift a few iron nails similar to cans/tins in the junkyard. ------------------------------------------------- Materials required/Apparatus: * Insulated copper wire with bare ends. * Two pieces of thick cardboard (can be taken from an old shoe box). * One pair of scissors. * One pencil or a very thick stick. * Adhesive or cello—tape. * Two U—Pins (may also be deformed). * Long string (preferably strong). * One iron bolt – one inch long (from a home—toolkit). * One cardboard box opened at one end. * Two paper pins/fasteners. * One used cotton reel. * One 5 volt battery. ------------------------------------------------- Method/Procedure: * Wind about 50 rounds of the insulated copper wire on the bolt and leave the two ends of wire free at each end. * Make small holes at the ends of each of the cardboard pieces and fix them inside the box with the help of paper fasteners. * Now attach the cotton reel to the other hole. — [To do this: straighten out a u—pin and push it through the centre of the cotton reel. Bend down the u—pin ends to secure the reel’s position.] * Take the pencil and then make a handle by attaching it to a u—pin using adhesive or the cello—tape. * Make two holes in the cardboard and pass the pencil through it. * Now take the string. Tie one end of it to the iron nail coiled earlier and the other to the pencil. Lay the string over the cotton reel. * Now connect the free ends to the battery by passing it through a switch. ------------------------------------------------- Working: * When the pencil is

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