Main causes and events of the Texan Revolution

1911 Words8 Pages
Beginning in 1820, Mexico was open for American immigration, but the area of Texas was scarcely populated. Mexico had to make the land more attractive to people by selling it at a very low cost. This attracted many American immigrants, not only because the land was inexpensive, but it was plentiful. It was also believed that the United States was going to eventually purchase Eastern Texas. Americans thought that after they moved to Texas, this purchase would stimulate more immigration, which would bring more potential buyers for the land that they had purchased. Also, no agreements had been officially made between the United States and Mexico enabling creditors to collect debts or return fugitives. This made Mexico even more attractive to the farmers in the valleys of Mississippi who had defaulted on their loans when the prices of good had gone down at the end of the War of 1812 from whom bankers demanded immediate payment. These farmers could safely stay in Texas instead of facing property seizure or debtors’ prison in the United States. In order for Anglo-Americans to immigrate to Mexico, they had to take an oath of loyalty to the nation, which meant being or becoming Catholic. However, Mexicans had experienced a flood of American immigrants to their country to take advantage of the opportunities they saw there, which prompted the Mexican government to pass the Law of April 6, 1830. Articles 9 and 11 of this law stated that American immigration was, at that point, outlawed. Northern immigrants would not be allowed to enter the country unless they had a passport to a specific colony that they had already been accepted into. The beginning of the Texas Revolution itself began with the Anahuac disturbances. Col. Juan Davis Bradburn landed at Perry’s Point to establish a garrison and a town in order to prevent smuggling on the Trinity and San Jacinto Rivers and

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