Anglo American Imperialism

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Beginning in the early 1800s the United States began a mission of westward expansion. The concept of Manifest Destiny encouraged Americans to spread their civilization all the way to the Pacific Ocean, and even down into Mexico and Central America. This westward expansion is often criticizes as an imperialistic movement over bordering countries and provinces. The Dictionary of Human Geography, imperialism is defined as “the creation and maintenance of an unequal economic, cultural and territorial relationship, usually between states and often in the form on an empire, based on domination and subordination”. According to this definition of imperialism, the expansion of the United States in the period from 1789 to 1848 is not considered as imperialist.…show more content…
Anglo-American immigrants, primarily from the Southern United States, began emigrating to Mexican Texas in the early 1820s at the request of the Mexican government, which sought to populate the sparsely inhabited lands of its northern frontier. Anglo-Americans soon became a majority in Texas and eventually became disillusioned with Mexican rule. This in turn led to the independence of Texas and eventually the annexation into the union. This event is not IMP because Anglo-American had no obligation towards Mexico. According to John O’Sullivan in his writing on Annexation (1845) “Their right to independence will be the natural right of self-government belong to any community strong enough to maintain…”. Texas could not be considered an act of imperialism because Texas was occupied with American people without the help of the states. The states did not forced Mexico to open their borders but instead Mexico had open their doors and allowed the American population in to occupy land. There was not unequal territorial relationship because independence was solely the right of the Anglo-American in Mexico and not of the colonies. /Conversely, imperialistic nations were in a race to advance in power to be able to be stronger than their neighbors. They would go to another nation, set up camp, harvest raw resources, and treat the people of those nations like second class citizens. If they rose up, they put down the uprising with violence. Some used religion as a reason to expand, but ultimately they were out for the same things. They wanted land and resources. Some citizens of the imperial nation would live in the colony, but they never really thought of the colony as home, and the government did not give citizens of the colony the same weight as those on the main land. In the US, the settlers were treated as citizens, they created states, and they were treated like
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