Macdonalds vs Liebeck Case

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|Engineering Business Management II |August 15 | | |2011 | |The Case Between McDonald’s Vs. Liebeck Executive Report |Oladapo Leigh (000235952) | Contents Contents 2 Executive summary 3 1. Introduction (McDonald’s V. Liebeck) 4 1.1 McDonald’s 4 1.2 Ms Stella Liebeck 5 1.2.1 The Incident 5 1.2.2 The Injury 5 1.2.3 Action Taken 6 1.2.4 Result & Settlement 6 2. Lessons Learnt From the Case 7 2.1 Ethical Issues 7 2.2 Lesson 7 3. Implementation of Lesson to the New Team 9 References 10 Bibliography 10 Executive summary For better flavour to be extracted from coffee beans they needed to be brewed at high temperatures and to keep the flavour in its best form they needed to be served that way too. This was what McDonald’s based their ideology on for good sales of hot coffees across their drive-thrus. In order to cut cost based on rebranding most of their product by not clearly stating on the packaging at which the coffee was sold, McDonald’s decided to press on with taking inappropriate risks. Ms. Liebeck’s case in the court had a strong argument based on the fact that McDonald’s had not treated her fairly. For McDonald’s restaurants to serve hot coffees at temperatures 185-190 degrees, someone somewhere was bound to get hurt. The temperature exceeded normal for home coffees and also exceeded the temperature at which the coffee Machine manufacturer recommended and with these they received over 700 complaints of third degree burns from the hot coffees sold and also paid out over

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