Mathew Henry's Proverbs 18 Analysis

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Looking Good Who doesn’t want to look good? Looking good is something that everyone in this room strives to do. The world wants to make looking good look bad. It’s alright to want to have nice clothes, shoes, cars and so on but that is not truly what makes a person look good from a biblical and spiritual standpoint. Here are some ways to make your truly good in the eyes of the Lord. People do things that might offend you or make you mad even though they didn’t mean it the way that it came off. Having a right to be angry at someone and having a right to correct them however and whenever you want is two different things. You may have a right to be mad at them but in Mathew Henry’s Proverbs 19 Commentary it translates verse 11’s meaning as saying when you are angry at someone wait a while and calm down to talk to that person. When you are mad you lose your judgment could make yourself look bad by what you say about the situation even when the other person is in the wrong. Also another good…show more content…
In Mathew Henry’s Proverbs 12 commentary it reiterates verse 4 as meaning that women are crowns unto their husbands. As you read through the commentary it states this “A virtuous woman, that is pious and prudent, ingenious and industrious, that is active for the good of her family and looks well to the ways of her household, that makes conscience of her duty in every relation, a woman of spirit, that can bear crosses without disturbance, such a one owns her husband for her head, and therefore she is a crown to him, not only a credit and honor to him, as a crown is an ornament, but supports and keeps up his authority in his family, as a crown is an ensign of power. She is submissive and faithful to him and by her example teaches his children and servants to be so too.” The women you marry is very important to your reputation. It is imperative to find this kind of girl to spend the rest of your

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