Long Term Memory

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Long-Term Memory Long term memory is the system of memory into which all the information is placed to be kept more or less permanently. This is the third stage of memory that involves the storage of deeply processed information. An example of long term memory is procedural memory. Procedural knowledge is when you remember something because it is part of your daily routine, which makes it hard to forget. One example of this would be driving a car because once you learn how to drive that knowledge will always be there with you because it will become part of your daily routine. How is information stored into your long-term memory? For information to be stored into your long-term memory it first has to go through the Sensory memory storage, short-term memory storage, and finally the long-term storage. First is the sensory memory which is the initial, momentary storage of information. Here the information last for an instant. Then, if the information the sensory memory has picked has any meaning it will then be stored in short-term memory. It is at the short memory the information first has a meaning, but only lasts for about 15 – 20 seconds. For information to be stored in short-term memory it has to be repeated. To transfer the information from short-term memory to long-term memory the information has to be rehearsed through Elaborated rehearsal which occurs if the information is organized in a logical manner which link it to other memory and in the end creating an image. I store information in my long-term memory first by creating an interest in what I am learning. By making information more valuable to me then I am able to rehearse it over and over again until I am satisfied it is stored in my long term memory. For example, if I am reading my course work material, I scan through the whole reading so that I can get an idea of what I am about to learn and then

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