Linux Unix Chapter 6 Notes

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1.Is each of the following an absolute pathname, a relative pathname, or a simple filename? a. milk_co b. correspond/business/milk_co c. /home/max d. /home/max/literature/promo e. .. f. letter.0210 A: a= Directory File b= relative c= absolute d= absolute e= Hidden File or can be used for the relative parent directory f= Ordanary/Simple File 2. List the commands you can use to perform these operations: a. Make your home directory the working directory b. Identify the working directory A: a= cd b= pwd 3. If the working directory is /home/max with a subdirectory named literature, give three sets of commands you can use to create a subdirectory named classics under literature. Also give several sets of commands you can use to remove the classics directory and its contents. A: a= mkdir /home/max/literature/classics, mkdir ~max/literature/classics, or mkdir ~/literature/classics b= rmdir /home/max/literature/classics, rmdir ~max/literature/classics, rmdir ~/literature/classics, rm -r /home/max/literature/classics 4. The df utility displays all mounted filesystems along with information about each. Use the df utility with the –h (human-readable) option to answer the following questions. a. How many filesystems are mounted on your Linux system? b. Which filesystem stores your home directory? c. Assuming your answer to exercise 4a is two or more, attempt to create a hard link to a file on another filesystem. What error message do you get? What happens when you attempt to create a symbolic link to the file instead? A: a= 5 b= /dev/sda1 c= Failed to create hard link `/home/Destop' => `draft': Permission denied; Failed to create symbolic link `/home/Destop': Permission denied 5. Suppose you have a file that is linked to a file owned by another user. How can you ensure

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