Level 3 Teaching and Learning Assignment 1. Aims, Values, Mission. Why Are These Important?

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Assignment 1 Understand school Ethos, Mission, Aims and Values. The aim of this essay is to explain the terminology of mission statements, ethos, aims and values with in a school. I will describe how these terms are reflected in a school's every day working practice. I will explain how schools may communicate these ethos, aims, mission statement and values to the staff, parents, and the school community and evaluate the effectiveness of these different communications. 3.1 The difference between each of the terms mission statement, ethos, aims and values can be seen as they are aimed and set by certain groups, such as the governors, parents, pupils and other agencies. The Ethos An Ethos is an agreement with the parents and the Local Authority concerning the school's particular character and spirit. The ethos of our school is one of nurture, support and positive reinforcement. In my school we believe all children are entitled to develop to their potential- academically, socially, emotionally, physically,morally, spiritually, and aesthetically, enabling each child to grow in confidence and able to participate in the wider community. We create a calm and purposeful ethos within our school. A Mission Statement- is a statement that defines the way your school approaches education. The mission statement allows parents to see the approach the school takes and can use this as guidance. It helps parents decide if what is offer matches their views on educational goals. In my school will strive to produce happy, healthy, confident and successful learners. On a day to day basis we promote our school code by looking after each other, listening, being polite, tell the truth and work and play to the best of our abilities. Our strap line is: Together on a voyage of discovery'. School Aims - these relate to
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