Positive Behaviour In Schools

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When promoting positive behaviour in schools there are policies and procedures that all staff need to be aware of. The main policy relating to behaviour will be the behaviour policy but other policies will also have an impact; for example the health and safety policies, adult protection policies and anti-bullying policies. The policies and procedures within my setting relevant to promoting children’s and young people’s positive behaviour are: - Behaviour policy - Code of conduct - Anti-Bullying Behaviour policy: A behaviour policy promotes positive behaviour through developing skills such as self-respect, self-esteem, empathy, negotiation and problem solving. There are many ways staff can help students to develop these skills:…show more content…
It is important that this policy is constantly being applied to ensure full safety of the pupils, this is why all staff MUST be familiar with this policy. Code of conduct: A set of guidelines for the pupils so they understand how they should behave and what is expected of them. It is important that the students are reminded of the code of conduct so that it becomes their routine and they fully understand it. It is essential that positive behaviour is always promoted, praised and used as students notice when adult’s behaviour is out of character, if positive and professional behaviour is continually used it is more likely that the pupils will also behave in that way. Anti-bullying policy: This sets out what kinds of behaviour are not acceptable within the setting and are classed as bullying; either toward staff or students. It also outlines what procedure should be followed if anybody has witnessed bullying taking place or feels they are being bullied. This promotes positive behaviour as students are made aware that bullying will not be tolerated and so they feel safe in setting and able to tell someone if an issue…show more content…
Taking children on holiday during term time We encourage parents and carers not to take their children out of school during term time. But if you feel this is unavoidable you should ask permission from the head teacher in advance - they might authorise up to 10 days holiday. You should always be aware of when SATs and other exams are scheduled so you can avoid taking them out of school at these important times. We also have late gate patrol where our parent liaison worker and our behavioural support worker monitor the gates so we can help those who are constantly late or struggling with children who don’t want to come to school, this is done once a month and is not announced. I believe that the above policies and procedures have a positive effect on pupil and teacher morale, they help raise the standards of achievement in the school, are vital in the personal and social development of all pupils. It helps pupil’s develop self-discipline and understand what is expected of them. The policies also show that we try to provide an environment where everyone feels happy, safe and secure and which allows children to become positive, responsible and increasingly independent members of the school
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