They ensure that all the children in the school understand clearly how they are expected to behave in a kind and considerate manner and also encourage them to learn in a positive environment. The policies include guidance in two areas Promoting appropriate behaviour in the children and discouraging
Basic everyday good manners should be recognised and a subtle prompt given if missed to ensure the correct level of respect is both given and received. * Understand expectations and limits- All children within the school should know what the schools expectations of positive behaviour is. This could be outlined by class rules and school rules and should be made clear from the
My students will develop a community that respects each other in the classroom as well as out of the classroom. Once these goals have been met I feel that the rest of the year will be smooth sailing! (Gallagher, 1999-2012). In the field of education, good classroom management is essential ( Froyer & Iverson, 1999) . Encouraging and establishing student self-control through a process of promoting positive student achievement and behavior is what every classroom needs.
In the setting in which I am situated there are policies which are relevant to promoting children and young peoples positive behaviour. Firstly the Behaviour Policy. This policy explains about behaviour and also includes the following; the schools code of conduct, rewards and sanctions and how to deal with conflict and inappropriate behaviour. The school aim to promote emotional growth, by encouraging children to take responsibility for their own actions and through developing self discipline, and respect for themselves, others and the environment. This in turn should create a caring, happy atmosphere in the school which can enable effective teaching and learning.
209 Support children and young people’s positive behaviour. 1.1 Describe the policies and procedures of the setting relevant to promoting children and young people’s positive behaviour. The policies and procedures in place in my setting relevant to promoting children and young people’s behaviour are, • Behaviour policy • Anti-bullying policy • Attendance • Dealing with conflict and inappropriate behaviour • Rewards and sanctions • Code of conduct Behaviour policy The behaviour policy is a guideline to staff on how pupils should behave. It is important for all staff to apply the behaviour policy for the safety of all pupils and staff. The behaviour policy should be clear for all staff, pupils and parents to understand and be followed at all times.
How to maintain and develop a good relationship with pupils and to demonstrate that they treat all pupils’ equally, through this they will gain respect and trust from that individual. Will need to show good relations with teachers in order for them to work efficiently and carry out their duties effectively. Also having a good understanding of the teachers’ aims, and strategies and being able to ask for advice or help. They must show that they can communicate and make
JOIN NOW The behavior policy on promoting positive behavior within the school setting possesses the guidelines/code of conduct which the school use to help raise positive behavior. The intentions of the behavior policy is to iniate a dependable environment that anticipates , emboldens and identifies good behavior also one in which everyone feels happy and secure. The behavior policy is the key
You also need to make sure you have good relationships with other staff members so that it can be a friendly place for the children to be around. It is important to have positive relationships with all the people that are involved in the care of all children and young people in my setting . These people could be staff, Managers and supervisors, carers/parents, OFSTED, Early years, or external partners. All positive relationships with these people will benefit the child as we could share the information quickly and accurately give constant care and always identify their needs and there interests. We could make more effective plans for their care and education whilst monitoring there welfare to show their skills and ideas.
Some schools’ mission statement is the modern equivalent to a motto. “Although our pupils achieve well, we are interested in more than just results. We aim to provide an inspiring, stimulating and enjoyable education for all our pupils, introducing them to a wealth of exciting experiences across the whole curriculum.” How is this reflected? : The pupils’ achievements not only academic but also sporting, artistic, performing and behaviour, both in and out of school are recognised. There is a positive culture of learning and development that is celebrated by merits, certificates, displays and praise from teaching staff.
Trained teachers will automatically know the types of measures to use incase a student exhibits a certain undesirable behavior. These measures will ensure that students behave in an appropriate manner and their performance is excellent. They will also make sure that the relationship and interaction between them and their students is healthy therefore building a favorable learning environment. They should be in a favorable condition to notice various problems that individual students go through, advice, keep close watch and offer valid solutions. For a school to be the best place to mould good behavior and emotions, it needs to have consistent rules and consequences in case an individual breaks them.