Level 2 Diploma in Care

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SHC 21 Introduction to communication in health and social care. L.O. 1 1.1 Identify the different reasons people communicate. Communication means exchanging of information by using different mediums. (Oxford Dict.) It is a process by which two or more people exchange ideas, facts, feelings or impressions in ways that each gains a common understanding of the message. People communicate to express their emotions like courage or fear, joy or sorrow, satisfaction or disappointment with appropriate gestures and words. People communicate because it allows ideas to be conveyed clearly and briefly. In Health and social care, we need good communication skills to develop positive relationships and share information with adults using services. We also need to be able to communicate well with their families and/or other carers and their own colleagues and other professionals who are participating in their life. 1.2 Explain how effective communication affects all aspects of your own work. Effective communication is a two-way process - sending the right message, which is also being correctly received and understood by the other persons. It is essential that there is good and effective communication taking place within the work setting. Daily tasks will only be successful with smooth transfers of information. In order for me to develop within my role as support worker for adults, there must be effective communication between the service users, other key workers and myself. This will help keep positive morale and improve the quality of work. Effective communication skills are also needed to encourage service users to talk about what they are feeling, to say what they think or to express their needs, concerns, wishes or preferences. Positive verbal and non-verbal communication skills, such as being friendly, smiling and shaking hands when greeting service user and
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