Leave Of Absence (FMLA)

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Leave of Absence/FMLA One day I got the call that my mother-in-law had just passed away from cancer. The first thing that went through my mind was that my wife didn’t have enough leave on books to be able to go home and grieve with her family. Leave of Absence, is the time an employee must be away from their workplace without chance of losing their job because of that absence. Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) provides an employee up to 12 weeks unpaid leave, but with job protection, in order to deal with issues such as the one my wife was going through. She decided to take advantage of the FMLA and was able to spend that precious time with family during those adverse times which allowed her to focus her mind on the family and not stress about her job at all. In this paper I will briefly discuss the history then I will explain the importance of having this benefit and what are the challenges and issues of this benefit today and, and finally how this benefit will look in the future. Let me start with giving you a brief history of Leave of Absence and FMLA. Leave of Absences have been going on for years at various businesses and organizations for different circumstances. When employees took this leave of absence, they were not…show more content…
FMLA helped my wife out during a very difficult time in our family and because of it she was able to focus on the situation at hand and not worry about if she will still have her position when she returned. Many employees have benefited from FMLA because it gave them a sense of peace to allow them to focus on the needs of your family. Taking a Leave of Absence from a because of having a baby, adoption of a new baby, from caring for a terminally ill parent or family member, is covered in FMLA and that alone is a good

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