Ld 201, Health and Social Care Level 2

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LD201 LD201 1.1 White paper 2001 Care Standards act 2000 Disability discrimination act 1995 and 2005 Mental capacity act 2005 Human rights act 1998 Disabled persons Act 1986 1.2 The legislation and policies influence the day to day experiences of individuals and their families by: Providing gudance, rules and regulations for support workers, families and carers that allows them to provide consistant care and support for vulnerable individuals, whilst protecting the individuals rights, promoting independance and protecting them from harm or abuse. (LD 201.2) Understand the nature and characteristics of learning disability. 2.1: A learning disability means that its harder for an individual to learn, understand and communicate than it is for others. 2.2: Before: Alcohol & or drug abuse, genetic (passed down from mother or father and on a rare occasion may jump generations so be from grand mother & or grand father), trauma (slips, trips & falls). During: Lack of oxygen to the brain (strangulation from the umbilical cord, stuck in birth canal), a stressful or traumatic birth. After: Caused whilst the brain is still developing, high fever & illness, head injuries (due to slips, trips or falls). 2.3: The medical model of disability sees `disability’ as a `problem’ that belongs to the disabled individual. The social model is more inclusive in its approach. Pro-active thought is given to how disabled individuals can participate in activities on an equal footing with non-disable individuals. An example of this is if a wheelchair using individual is unable to get into a building because of some steps, the medical model would suggest that this is because of the wheelchair rather that the steps. The social model would see the steps as the disabling barrier. 2.4: Between 40 – 50 per cent 2.5: These depend on the type and severity of
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