Lab Report Seperation of a Solid Mixture

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Separation of a Solid Mixture Purpose In this experiment I will become familiar with the separation of mixtures of solids. I will also learn separation techniques based on the chemical properties of a substance. Procedure I first measured my weighing dish to find out its mass. I then poured the mixture into the weighing dish and found out the mass of the mixture. I then poured the mixture on to a solid white piece of paper. I then used a magnet wrapped in clear plastic bag to separate the iron from the mixture. I weighed the iron and calculated and recorded the mass in table 1. I put the remaining mixture in a beaker with 50 mL of distilled water and heated to a boil and removed, then poured the liquid from the beaker into a paper cup. I then added 15 mL of distilled water and heated to a boil and removed, then poured the liquid from the beaker into the same paper cup that held the previous liquid. I placed the beaker holding the sand into my oven to dry. Once dried I poured the sand into my weighing dish and measured its mass and calculated and recorded into table 1. While the sand was drying I placed the paper cup into a larger coffee cup filled with crushed ice and water and let it set for about five minutes. I weighed the filter to find out the mass. I then folded the filter and placed the filter into the funnel and held the funnel over a paper cup while I poured the liquid into the funnel leaving the benzoic acid to adhere to the filter. I then allowed the filter to dry. Once dried I weighed the mass of the filter and benzoic acid and calculated the mass and recorded into table 1. I then allowed the remaining liquid to evaporate leaving behind salt. I poured the salt into the weighing dish and weighed the mass and calculated and recorded into table 1. Data Table 1: Experiment Data Grams Percent of Mixture Iron Fillings 0.9 gm 19.6 % Sand 1.4 gm 30.4 %
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