Gravimetric Determination of Sulfate

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Gravimetric Determination of Sulfate Purpose The purpose of this lab is to determine the percentage of sulfate in the hydrate by precipitating the sulfate as barium sulfate. Materials Filler paper Sodium sulfate Graduated cylinder Bunsen burner Watch glass Beakers (250 mL, 400 mL) Rubber bulb Graduated pipette Beaker tongs Funnel Filter Paper Sodium Sulfate Drying oven Wash bottle Stirring rod Silver nitrate Hydrochloric acid Distilled water Small test tube Procedures First, .4861 grams of sodium sulfate was placed into a clean 400mL beaker. Exactly 200mL of water and 1mL of HCl was added to the same beaker. A watch glass was placed on the beaker and the solution was heated using the Bunsen burner to a gentle boil. The watch glass was removed with the beaker tongs. Using a rubber bulb and a stirring rod to stir the solution continuously, 15.00mL of .25M BaCl2 solution was added to the solution in the beaker. The watch glass is replaced and the solution is keep hot but not boiling for 15 minutes. The precipitate was allowed to settle. When the liquid above the precipitate was clear, the solution was tested for completeness of precipitation when a few drops of BaCl2 solution were added from a pipette. Next, filter paper was place into the funnel and streamed with distilled water. A clean 400mL beaker is placed under the funnel and the precipitate was filtered through. When all the precipitate was filtered and removed from the beaker the residue is washed with distilled water. About 3mL of the wash water is collected in a small test tube. A few drops of 0.1M silver nitrate solution is added to the water to test for the presences of Cl- ions. Lastly the filter paper was placed in the dry oven to dry completely and then weighted. Calculations and observations were made and recorded. Observations The

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