Caloric Food Content

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Caloric Content of Food Exercise 1: Determination of Caloric Content of Three Foods Abstract: First I gathered all the equipment needed. Then I zeroed out my balance and measured the mass of the empty beaker. I then put 50mL of water in the beaker and measured the mass again. I put a piece of foil at the bottom of my burner stand and then placed the beaker with water on the beaker stand. I then took the initial temperature of the water. I grabbed my marshmallow and weighed it then weighed the fork. After recording the weight I lit it on fire with the lighter. Once it had a steady burn I placed it under the beaker and stirred the water with the thermometer. Once it stopped burning, I took the final temperature of the water. I got my temp. change by subtracting my final and initial temps. Then, I weighed the fork and marshmallow to get final mass. To get mass of food burnt, I subtracted the initial mass by the final mass. I then repeated these steps for the other two samples making sure to clean and dry the beaker each time. I got the heat energy gained by multiplying the ΔT by the mass of the water and 4.184 J/g°C. Then I calculated the heat energy per unit mass by taking my heat energy gained and dividing it by the mass of food burnt to get Joules/ g. To get the Cal of the sample I took the J/g and divided it by 4.184 and then divided that answer by 1,000 to get my Calorie. Observations: Marshmallow: I noticed that the marshmallow caught fire pretty quick. Once it was completely lite the flame lasted about a minute to burn out. There was not a lot of smoke coming from the marshmallow. When I was done I noticed that it was much lighter in weight than when I first held it to put it on the fork. Cashew: The cashew was extremely hard to ignite. Once I got it to ignite, It burned the longest out of the other samples. The flame was really low and a

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