Knowledge Based Questions Unit 6 Feedback and Teamwork

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Knowledge Based Questions Unit 6: 1.1-1.5 1.1 – Outline the benefits of effective team working: * The benefits of effective team working has for GFirst as an organisation are: * It allows for easy and effective communication between the GFirst team and help to build good working relationships with your colleagues. * Working as a team allows for many different people to work on one project/task. Thus allowing for a higher efficiency-working environment where people accomplish more as a team than as individuals. * Due to a number of different people working on one piece of work timescales are greatly reduced. This helps people keep the workload manageable in GFirst and productivity high. By helping others, you make everyone’s life at work easier, plus you are helping to create a happier working environment. * One of the most important things that help make team-working effective within GFirst is, working in teams allows for a greater pool of ideas and solutions. Working with different people allows for the use of individual skills and knowledge to come together in order to find a solution. This is generally a more effective way of working, as the team will finish the task more quickly. Moreover, the utilizing of different skills, allows for more innovative ideas that a single individual may not have thought of. * Teambuilding allows for a more effective working environment. This is because when working in a team it is easier to delegate tasks that suit the individual skills of team members. Doing so will gets the task completed as quickly as possible by correctly utilizing the different skills available within a team. * Working as a team will help to build effective lines of communication with in any organization. Due to people being in a working environment where they work in close proximity to others. This also
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