King Menelik Essay

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Upon what economic resources did King Menelik of Ethiopia rely in not only preserving the integrity of his country during the European scramble for African colonies, but in expanding his country’s borders? King Menelik was an Ethiopian emperor that expanded political and economic modernization.King Menelik used revenues from expanding trade to buy Western military technology; he reformed army supply services, while upholding the traditional methods of recruiting soldiers, via warrior aristocracy and local chiefs and traditional ideology crusade, proving that the African state could compete with European empires on equal terms in the scramble for Africa. Menelik conquered empires of his own far as lake Turkana in the south and swamp lands of upper Nile to the west. Ethiopia emerged from the Scramble of Africa as the only enlarged African state. 2. What kind of logic says that free trade means that a country cannot regulate its imports? The kind of logic that says that a country cannot regulate its imports because according to the situation in 1830’s The Opium War, the British abolished trading monopolies among its own subjects and opened free trade with China, therefore in 1839; the Chinese emperor appointed commissioner Lin to end opium trade, but the ban of trade was unlawful interference with the freedom of commerce. The free trade is advantageous to some countries because of the advantages in production and free trade consist of the government not discriminating against imports; limiting imports creates higher demand because of the tariffs which increase domestic price. 3. At what point was England impinging on Chinese sovereignty during the Opium Wars? England was impinging on Chinese sovereignty during the Opium Wars when China ceded Hong Kong to Britain. Opened five ports to British trade and paid a colossal indemnity of 21 million silver
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