Ap European History Dbq

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The 19th and 20th centuries were characterized by the more developed countries of Europe acquiring the land and controlling resources of undeveloped countries. This idea, called imperialism, can be defined as the policy of extending a nation’s authority by territorial acquisition or by establishing economic and political authority over other nations. The European powers saw imperialism as their right and duty to exert their superiority, while the indigenous people of the inferior areas resented the Europeans greed and unrightfully taking control. Western European countries and developed a variety of attitudes toward imperialism. Economic factors were a chief motivation for colonization to European countries. Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany believed conquering primitive areas would help build up industry and agriculture. He also thought it could help build up a fleet of ships and is quoted “Our future lies upon the water.” (doc 1). Other leaders such as Jules Ferry of France saw these places as shelters, ports for defense, and provisioning (doc3). John Hobson, an English economist, saw imperialism as inevitable, for powers of production outpace consumption resulting in more profit for the mother country (doc 2). The United States was involved in imperialism due to the Monroe Doctrine of 1823, which made the western hemisphere an American protectorate and their victory in the Spanish-American War making them a Pacific power. Both Europe and America believed imperialism could bring them economic power and capacity. Imperialism was not strictly confined to economics; it also included the political aims of unique states. John Hobson deemed demand for foreign markets for manufacturers and investments was responsible for the adoption of Imperialism as a political policy (doc 2). Religious groups demanded governments furnish political and military support for

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