20th Century Imperialism

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World at the Turn of the 20th Century * Develop an understanding of the following background issues of WWI. * Imperialism The practice of increasing a nations power through taking control of another nation and/or its resources. Key imperial powers: * Britain – Control over: India, South Africa, Canada, Australia * France – Control over: Indochina, Parts of Africa * German * Ottoman Reasons for Growth of Imperialism * Late 19h & early 20th century imperialism WAS DRIVEN BY COMPETITION OF RESOURCES, POWER, STATUS, WEALTH AND PRESTIGE * Italy and Germany (along with other countries) wanted same status as Britain * ASSOCIATED WITH: dehumanising people. * AFRICA MAIN SOURCE OF RESROURCES BECAUSE:…show more content…
* Get Serbians living in Bosnia, under Serbian rule. * Guards at Bosnian borders arranged to be Black Hands members so it was easier for other members to pass without arrest * Planned death of Archduke Franz Ferdinand Underlying Issues: * Austrians (had Bosnia under her rule) feared the Black Hands would start a rebellion * Suspected Serbian government was helping the rebels * Politicians in Austria advised Emperor Franz Joseph to declare war * Newspaper announced the ARCHDUKE’S Visit to Sarajevo, Bosnia * Foolish because: 1. Arrival was on the National Day of Serbian people - tensions against Austrians was bound to be high. 2. Gave exact date – Black Hands members planned the assassination of Austria’s next heir.... * 19 Year Old Black Hands leader – Gavrilo Princip trained 6 teenage students to use guns and bombs on the day of Archduke Ferdinand’s…show more content…
* War in the Balkans. Spreading of Wars NB: Alliances – opposed When Serbs were under attack, they asked Russia for help. Russia was sympathetic and said yes. Tsar Nicholas II MOBILISED Russia 29th July to help Serbia – THIS STARTED THE COUNTDOWN FOR THE FIRST WORLD WAR. 5....30th July | When Kaiser heard that Russia was getting ready for war (Mobilising) he asked Tsar Nicholas to stop. | 4....1st August | Nicholas refused – Germany declared war on Russia and got her army ready. France was an ally of Russia so they mobilised their army on the same day. | 3....2nd August | Germans had the Schlieffen Plan ready and sent their armies to Belgium. | 2...3rd August | 75 years earlier, Britain promised to back Belgium up from any attack by any other country. Britain sent telegram to Germany asking to stop. | 1...4th August | No reply. War was declared | 0.... 5th August | All the great powers of Europe were at war..
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