King Louis Xiv vs. King Philip

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King Louis XIV was a further powerful absolute monarch than King Philip II because he had more control over his people by forcing them to spend money on fashion while Philip didn’t. He used taxes and monopolies more efficient than Philip to make France more prosperous, and had the utmost powerful army in Europe. King Louis XIV started fashion in France so people could spend their money on it and don’t have enough to by weapons and finance themselves to rebel him. While as Philip didn’t pay attention to the importance of the idea so he lost the Dutch Netherlands by the rebellion of the people, which was imperative to his empire. He gave tax benefits to French companies, and to the middle class he gave them monopolies and who accepted would return him with a profit percentage and would collect taxes from people and return it to him. On the other had Philip gave monopolies to relatives and then the money would have been spent on things that were no use to the empire. With being the one in control of everything he controlled the strongest army in Europe which was far ahead of others in size, training, and weaponry. It allowed France to develop a strong empire of colonies, which provided resources and goods for trade. As Philip also had a strong army of 50,000 soldiers he was dragged into many wars which most of them he lost such as the Spanish armada he sent to punish Protestant England which was the start of the decline of the Spanish empire. As a conclusion King Louis was an improved monarch than Philip, and that was because he built on Philips concepts of a true ruler. Yet both didn't achieve what the
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