By the time he arrived in France, the French had had some victories in Egypt and this boosted Napoleon’s popularity. The Directory tried to punish him for desertion but they were too weak and Napoleon proceeded to work against them and seized power from them. Napoleon then engineered his election as First Consul in 1800 which made him the most powerful person in France. This created the platform for him to appoint himself as Emperor. Conclusion In conclusion, whilst the Campaigns were pivotal opportunities for Napoleon to make his name and increase his popularity and heroism, this by itself was not enough to make him the most powerful person in France by 1800.
(3.3 29+32) The fatal flaw of the third conspirator, Cassius is that he is scared of what will happen to him after he murdered Caesar. Cassius and Brutus though that Anthony will turn Rome against them and realize what they did was wrong and their traitors. Cassius’s famous quote is “” Men at times are masters of their fates; the fault; dear Brutus, is not in our stars. But in ourselves””. (1.2 139-142) In conclusion, these conspirators lead to their own downfall by not listening to each other.
Firstly, many say that the Peninsular War was the reason, as it showed France was no longer invincible. However, there are many other reasons such as finance, politics and his own self confidence which accumulated to his downfall. Supporting the statement that the Peninsular War played a prime role in Napoleons downfall is Source 1. It infers ‘The Peninsular War is important in explaining Napoleons eventual defeat for several reasons’. The broad viewpoint of this source suggests that the Peninsular War was definitely the reason for Napoleons downfall.
Alexander The Great took over the kingdom and raised it to become one of the most powerful empires which wasn’t easy. He did all he could with all his power and effort to show that he was worth being called the great. Many people such as Plutarch and Arrian, said how alexander was a hard worker and how he put endless effort to win and become the greatest. He fought for his empire and won and was so overpowered compared to other governments who
The Athenian statesman Pericles was the very model of a politician. Under his leadership, the people of Athens embarked on one of the most brilliant eras in all human history. It was the heart of the Athenian Golden Age, a time known as the Age of Pericles, when philosophy and the arts flourished as never before. Likewise, democracy, (government by the people) experienced one of its proudest moments; but Pericles won his triumphs in part through foreign conquest and empire-building. In the end, like a hero from a Greek tragedy, his own mistakes would bring about his downfall.
After all, ambition brings about the success and downfall of Macbeth; Lady Macbeth’s ambition got Macbeth started on success, then his on ambition led him the rest of the way to his eventual downfall. Lady Macbeth’s ambition unquestionably helped convince Macbeth to do the things he did. She had so much ambition she wished she were someone else so she didn’t need her husband to do things for her, “Come, you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here… that
Also Juliet should have not have went along with Friar Lawrence's foolish arrangement, or forced him into propositioning it in the first place, she also committed suicide so that was her fault. Furthermore Romeo can also be held responsible because he should not have gone and poisoned
Noah’s feelings caused him to react in a way that was unreasonable and unnecessary. Noah did this because he was unable to reason what it would mean for him and the people around him. His feelings got the best him. Because Noah loved Ivy, and Ivy did not love him in return, Lucius being the reason, Noah felt that by killing Lucius, Ivy’s reason for not loving Noah would be gone, and that she would want to marry Noah instead of Lucius. In Noah’s reasoning, if Lucius dies, Ivy will forget about him and be forced to move on, but is not the case.
For example, when she trusts the Friar to get the information to Romeo. This information never gets to Romeo, which leads him to kill himself. Juliet could have told Romeo about her plan to take the potion and this would have prevented both of their deaths. Another bad decision was the marriage which complicated the already difficult situation. In conclusion Romeo and Juliet both sacrifice their own lives due to a lot of bad choices.
The plan was for Romeo to rescue her secretly, but the plan is foiled, since Romeo never gets the notice. This plan should have never been made because serious risks are involved. It is evident that Juliet is not thinking clearly because she actually takes the potion. All the possible consequences should have been considered and a back-up plan made. Juliet is willing to do anything for love but it does not mean that it will help.