Junior vs. Arnold

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Junior vs. Arnold Feeling pulled back and forth from two different types of groups is never easy. In Sherman Alexie’s novel The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian the main character, Arnold Junior Spirit deals with a duel identity problem from being at the “rez” to going to a high school off the reservation called Reardan. Because Alexie created a duel identity of Arnold Junior Spirit to show how Arnold out grew Junior, you see the changes in his life through bullying, friendships, and skills. No matter where Arnold Junior Spirit would go, he was automatically the target for the bullies around. On the “rez” he went by his middle name, Junior, and at Reardon high school he went by his first name, Arnold. Junior had many medical problems from the start of his life. There was not a day that would go by that Junior would not get beat up. On the rez, Junior was weak; he was a walking punch bag for all the Native Americans. Everyone made fun of him except for his best friend named Rowdy. Rowdy protected Junior, and they had a bond that most people never find in life. When Junior decided to go to a high school off the rez, Rowdy was not for it, and their friendship was broken after Junior left the high school on the rez. When Junior first started out at Reardon, he was not physically being beat up, but the kids there used their words for weapons. He was bullied at both places. Being verbally made fun of is the worst. The big jock at Reardon was Roger, and he loved to pick on Arnold. Roger told Arnold the most racist joke ever, and Arnold hauled off and punched him in the face. Roger did not pick on him one more time after that. Maybe it was out of respect, or maybe it is because he did not want to get his pretty little face smashed in again. At both places he was not treated correctly to begin with, but it eventually stopped at both places. It was not until after

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