Joe Maddon's Coaching Style

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The Chicago Cubs have been one of the worst teams in baseball for the past 105 years. They have been cursed, by the billy goat, by the black cat and by Bartman. Many fans believe this is why the Cubs have not won a World Series in 105 years. But in particular, these last seven years have been very rough for the organization. In that span they have had five coaches. None of these coaches have lasted more than two years. But now the Cubs hope to change that. The Cubs just hired a new coach, they fired their last one for him. They payed a lot of money for him. His name, Joe Maddon. Joe Maddon is an extremely well known coach. He is a very good coach. He has a .573 win percentage, which is a better win percentage the Cubs have had in 8 years. As a coach, he has won the Coach Of The Year Award twice. And a World Series. The Cubs want all of this; this is why they hired him to coach. Madden has been involved in baseball management for over 40 years, so he definitely understands baseball. However, Maddon’s coaching style is not very conventional. He likes to move players around a lot, what position they play in the field, what number they are batting and…show more content…
They believe that he is a coach that will bring success to the franchise. The Cubs also believe that he will attract better players because they now have a good coach. Having an experienced coach will also help the team because they are a very young team. He can help develop the young players into very good players. This offseason the Cubs have made many moves. One free agent the Cubs have signed this offseason is Jon Lester, he is a left handed pitcher. The cubs signed him because they really need a good pitcher, they traded Jeff Samardzija last season. Lester is a three time time all star and two time World Series champion. This season Lester will be throwing to Miguel Montero, a catcher that is also a two time all star. The Cubs traded for him this off season

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