Job Satisfaction Essay

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Satisfaction at work place refers to a collection of attitudes that workers have towards their jobs, it is the extent to which one likes or dislikes his or her job. The level of satisfaction for each person is different, it depends on their perception about how well they understand and value their job, the same insight is reflected in their work and affects the work performance and attitude. Employee satisfaction is essential to the success of any business. A high rate of employee contentedness is directly related to a lower turnover rate. Thus, keeping employees satisfied with their careers should be a major priority for every employer. There are numerous reasons why employees can become discouraged with their jobs and resign, including high stress, lack of communication within the company, lack of recognition, or limited opportunity for growth. When an employee feels unhappy with his or her job, he brings negativity to his personal life as well. Therefore, job satisfaction plays a major role not only in a company's achievement, but also in one's personal life. Most people spend a major part of their lives at work and therefore, job satisfaction is an important element for the well being of an individual. At certain levels, job satisfaction contributes to mental health and general satisfaction due to the opportunity to experience a sense of accomplishment, this very feeling spills confidence over their personal life. A satisfied employee at work tends to be psychologically healthier, contradictory to the employee who is dissatisfied and suffers mental stress. Due to prolonged stress and physical, mental and emotional strain, an employee gradually detaches himself from work and personal relationships. Hence an employee needs to be happy and stress free in order to behave life a healthy individual. People are more likely to be satisfied in jobs where they

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