Jesus Of Montreal Religion Analysis

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Study of Religion ‘Denys Arcand effectively contemporises the life of Jesus by using canonical and non-canonical texts’ ‘Jesus of Montreal’ is a contemporary film which explores the figure of Jesus Christ. The film is set in modern day Montreal and focuses on Daniel Coulombe, an actor asked by Catholic priest Raymond Leclerc to present an updated version of the Passion Play. The film makes use of aspects from each of the four gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and while not retelling the life of Jesus, attempts to portray how one man can be transformed into a Christ-like figure. Evidence suggests that Matthew was the first gospel to be written; it suggested that Jesus was the new Moses, or Messiah, for it was written for the Jewish community. The gospel of Mark recounted the life of Jesus, focusing on what he did and said. The gospel of Luke focused on compassion and forgiveness, and was written for the Greek people. Finally the gospel of John emphasised that Jesus was the Son of God. ‘Jesus of Montreal’ uses these Gospels as the basis for the transformation of the central character. The film depicts how Daniel becomes a different man as he accepts and really lives the words and…show more content…
Both canonical and non-canonical texts were referenced throughout the film. Dostoevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov is referenced at the beginning of the movie with the prophecy that in a Godless society, meaning exists only in the commercial value of its people and culture. Goodness itself becomes irrelevant. The suggestion that Daniel will live on after his death (through his organ donation and the naming of the theatre after him, does not reflect Canonical opinion on the bodily resurrection of Christ occurring after three

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