Jean Piagets Contribution to the Field of Psychology

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If we glance at the recent history or more notably, the past history, you will come to understand that the largest part of the chronological developments took place at some point in that century. Each and every type of study we identify with today was by some means drastically distorted during the previous century, all thanks to the out of the box thinking of great men. One such extraordinary man was Jean Piaget, a well-known child psychologist. Piaget was a Swiss national and a psychologist by profession. His father was a professor of medieval literature with an interest in local history and his mother was an intelligent and energetic woman but Piaget found her to be a little neurotic, and that was the impression that led to his interest in psychology. He received his doctorate at age twenty-one in Natural Science Biology to Philosophy to Psychology. The effort of Jean Piaget (1896-1980) in the field of child psychology is one of the most admirable and debated work of the prior century. As a child psychologist he stressed more upon the holistic approach. There are many thoughts and ideas that are taken by Piaget’s work and one can without difficulty say that he is one of the principal contributors to child psychology. The multiplicity, at which child psychology is at today, will not have been possible exclusive of the efforts of Jean Piaget. Due to this he was more than capable of contributing to the field of Social Psychology. Jean Piaget, “The principle goal of education in the schools should be creating men and women who are capable of doing new things, not simply repeating what other generations have done,” was a philosopher who is best known for his theory of cognitive development. The main characteristic of this theory is learning. The theory mainly is the control and construction of hierarchies of skills. Cognitive development is explained by skill

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