Introduction to Duty of Care in Health, Social Care or Children’s and Young Person’s Settings

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Introduction to duty of care in health, social care or children’s and young person’s settings 135 London Road Buxton Derbyshire SK179NW Dear Joshua, I understand you want to work in the Care profession. I have worked in the Care sector for almost a year now and I thought I would write to you to let you know a few things to help you out. There are many different terms used in care which would be handy for you to know, for example “duty of care”. Duty of care means you have legal obligation to always act in the best interest of individuals and others. Not to act or fail to act in a way that results in harm. Act within your competence and not take on anything you don’t believe you can do safely. Failure to do this can result in disciplinary action or even prosecution. As part of “duty of care” not only are you working within the law but also with policies and procedures and agreed ways of working within your own workplace. These are in place not only to protect and guide individuals, but also their families, friends, their property, work colleagues, your employer and yourself. Working in care you are accountable for your own work and to take responsibility for maintaining & improving your knowledge skills. Keep accurate and up to date records and protect confidential information. Safeguarding individuals from harm or being treated unfairly. Understand that people have the right to make choices, help them to remain independent, fulfilling their
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