Introduction to Duty of Care in Health, Social Care or Children’s and Young People’s Settings

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1.1 Duty of care means that they must do everything they can to keep the people in their care safe from harm. It is not only the care establishment that needs to prioritise the safety, welfare and interests of the people using its services, but also the care workers of the establishment. My employer also has a duty of care for staff members, to ensure that working conditions are safe, and suitable to deliver the service. 1.2 The duty of care affects own work role by making sure you keep yourself safe and your service user safe. It means being updated on any new training, following all and any security procedures in order to keep things safe. 2.1 Sometimes dilemmas can arise between the duty of care and individuals rights. This could be someone who may not wish to use their walking frame anymore. You have a duty of care to keep this person safe, but they have the right to not want to use it anymore. You could come to a compromise where they use a walking stick instead for a while and see how things go. This should all be documented and a new risk assessment should be carried out. Another dilemma could be someone refusing to take their medication that is prescribed by a doctor. You should explain the positives from taking the medication and explain what could happen if they don’t take it. If they are still refusing you should fill out a medication refusal form and inform your supervisor. 2.2 you can get additional support and advice about how to resolve dilemmas by visiting websites, asking your supervisor, social services, your manager and other professional service providers. 3.1 to deal with a complaint you need to respond to them in an accurate and timely way, and show remorse where failings are identified and learning where possible. Report the matter to your supervisor and they will deal with it. 3.2 the main points for handling complaints are to make sure
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