Intervention on Self-Esteem

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The Effects and Intervention of Low Self-Esteem Self-esteem is basically how we perceive ourselves. What do you see when you look in the mirror? What do you see when you finish an assignment? Do you think you are good enough to do this? Do you afraid to do that? Why? Low self-esteem is when you have negative views about yourself, when you are insecure in social settings, and have not owned who you are as an individual therefor causing extremely low sense of self-worth. Individuals with low self-esteem put themselves down and criticize themselves. Low self-esteem can affect a person’s daily life, relationships, school experience and work ethic. They may not be able to perform to the best of their ability because they are afraid to take challenges and face life. When it comes to low self-esteem and intervention there are a lot of changes that I would like to see in this area. I would like to see everyone living and doing things that are up to their full potential and bringing out the best in themselves. When it comes to low self-esteem if you are being encouraged by a group of people or individuals on a daily basis then you will to start to believe in yourself as well. The whole changing process must start with you as a person first, which means no one can change without believing in him/herself first. Once you believe in yourself you will begin to accept new challenges in life, love yourself, all while taking pride in things you do and become better socially. When you have high self-esteem you become very confident and positive towards yourself and everything you do. When it comes to this change it will be most beneficial to the individual with the low self-esteem. Self-esteem is something that starts with the individual and their views and effects on different things. The change will also have effects on the people the individual come in contact with in their daily
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