Integrated Field Experience Reflection Paper

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Integrated field Experience with Tunisia Bell 1 The primary intention of this reflection is to relatively explain the time spent with the grade of my selection during my integrated field experience. A prior arrangement to meet with the lead teacher was organized before school. We discussed some of the special skills and talents I possess as well as the requirements needed to achieve my practicum goals. Appreciatively, I was inspired about the information gathered as well as the information she was willing to share. Moreover, all of the information I received was vital and very inspiring. I chose to do my practicum at a VPK setting located inside of an Urban League Head start facility. There I observed a child and interviewed with Ms. Hudson whom happens to be a VPK teacher. Ms. Hudson described all of her duties as well as share essential information with me in regards to what all I should expect. During the interview it was brought to my attention she was a former teacher at Pickett Elementary. Pickett Elementary is a turnaround school that does inclusive and mainstreaming and she was the diversity lead, which was very impressive. I was mostly surprised by Ms. Hudson when she stated that there have not been any obstacles during her years of teaching that hindered her from being effective. This too was an inspiration because in my opinion, teachers do need to remain open minded and know the main reason why they are teachers. Ms Hudson encouraged me to learn a lot about the children’s social development, their instructional needs, and their attitude towards learning. During this practicum, I established some common goals and the teacher helped to guide a course to ensure my goals were met. In the beginning some of the students were somewhat out of control and calmed down as time passed. Some stared at me a lot, which didn’t make me feel uncomfortable. I would

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