How a Lesson Plan Can Meet the Needs of Individual Learners

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Explain how a lesson plan can meet the needs of individual learners The term Inclusive Lesson Planning means considering not only the commonly identified elements of content, process and product, but also how these elements intersect with programs of study and with students’ personal contexts and experiences, skills and abilities . The Warnock Report 1978 laid the foundations for Education Act 1981 which require suitable provision for Special Educational Needs Children in England and Wales. The Warnock Committee's conclusions were that 20% of children in the school population could have SEN but 2% might need support over and above what a mainstream school could provide for. The Warnock Report recommended that there should be specialist provision for children with SEN which could protect the 2% and ensure that they received appropriate provision and thus it introduced inclusion that now becomes the part of Education Law. (DES, 1978) For inclusion to be in action needs inclusive lesson planning that focuses on diversity and flexibility, two characteristics that can easily overwhelm a teacher. However, with active and strategic planning processes inclusive lesson planning can be both effective and manageable. A teacher, by using inclusive lesson plan, supports inclusion, an approach to educating students with special educational needs. As a result of inclusion, students with special needs spend most or all of their time with non-disabled students. Inclusion involves knowing and responding to each student as an individual. An effective teacher naturally get to know his/her students over time; however, in an inclusive classroom, he/she plans specific ways to learn about his/her students and to use the information he/she gathered. This allows him/her to move from planning, based on how students can differ in general, to a more proactive approach of planning, based
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