Immigrants In Doctors Without Borders

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Reese Traver Global Issues Dr. Wilson 29 March 2012 Doctors Without Borders There are many immigrants that come into this country, some legally and some illegally, and work hard to make a living for them and their families back home from the country they immigrated from. Unlike some Americans who think everything should be handed to them on a silver platter without any work or effort, some immigrants come The United States seeking a better future, education, and a means of helping their families back home by sending remittances. After receiving an education, some immigrants immigrate back to their home country to share their experiences and knowledge to better off the people. Not all immigrants, however, leave the US and return to their…show more content…
However, in some cases, there can be instances when the immigrant leaving the country and family is a bad thing for the family being left behind. For the most part, immigrants who come to the US work hard and get the education and money they came for. As a result, immigrants can send remittances back to their home country to support and help their family. They can also travel back to their home country and even share the knowledge they learned in The United States to create their own business, start their own company, or work for companies already in the country with greater knowledge and experience in that particular field. The same case where an immigrant leaves their country for good intentions can have bad effect on their family back home. For example, when someone leaves home it can cause their family to lose income and suffer more as a result until the immigrant can either return or send remittances. That is the main negative result when someone immigrates to the US. For individuals in the US, when immigrants are seen either in school or at work, many believe that they are here illegally and are taking the jobs of American people. Even though this fact is true, in most cases, it is not true and the immigrant has earned the spot or position they are currently in. Immigrants make up…show more content…
From a realist, liberal, and identity perspective, if this issue was left uncheck then states could be overwhelmed with immigrants and not know what to do with all of them. From a realist point of view, if NGOS and IGOs left this issue unchecked, the organizations would act accordingly to what they personally want. As for individuals, the immigrants could pretty much do whatever they want. From a liberal point of view, if NGOs and IGOs left this issue unchecked, the consequences could less than average products traded or swapped. As a result, better outcomes may become more and more hard to come by. As for the individuals, this could mean less money, education, or training for some immigrants. From an identity perspective, if NGOs and IGOs were left unchecked, could shape or transform the state in a negative way, maybe without even knowing it. Another ramification would be NGOs be allowed to be part of the democratic governments and decide what they want. Finally, for the individuals that may be affected, leaving this issue unchecked could cause them to make less money or send fewer remittances back home to their families. In conclusion, the main flow of immigrants should, in fact, continue to enter the US. The benefits most immigrants get from receiving an education from this country are great and the careers most choose
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