Hsm/220 Designing a Reward System

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Designing a Reward System Holly Regan HSM/220 September 21, 2013 Melissa Lichau Designing a Reward System In the designing of my reward system, I will be detailing the methods of determining what aspects of the work should be monitored and rewarded. Kettner states, that in the following list of factors, there are nine specific to motivating employees to willingly want to work hard and possess the desire to be consistently productive in order to receive their personal desired success and success for the organization: 1. Respect for me as a person 2. Good pay 3. Chance to turn out quality work 4. Chance for promotion 5. Opportunity to do interesting work 6. Feeling my job is important 7. Boss acknowledging my good work 8. Opportunity for self-development and improvement 9. Large amount of job related freedom The ways in which I will address each of the nine factors of motivation are equally and one at a time. Each factor need to be taken seriously and treated fairly amongst employees. What one employee may find to be a trivial factor another will hold at the highest regard, leaving no room for assumptions as to which. Respect: Each employee will be treated equally regardless of status within the organization. When each individual employee is treated as equally as their colleagues, a stronger bond forms because no employee feels lesser than their superiors. Good Pay: If each employee was paid beyond their expectations when hired, then that particular motivator was a stepping stone to the intrinsic motivation that each employee will be trying to achieve. Chance to Turn out Quality Work: When an employee is given the opportunity to show their creative abilities, prove they can competently complete an important project with little supervision, thus receiving the earned recognition for their hard work gives the employee a
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