Hrm/531 Training Program

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Development of a Training and Mentoring Program Jane Doe Human Capital Management 531 Dr. Sharla Walker July 13, 2009 Career Development 2 Development of Training and Mentoring Program at InterClean is very vital for the company. With this program the employee has a chance to get to know everyone and also a chance for the employee to get the best training he or she needs to be successful at InterClean. The company would like to make sure that the employees have extensive training that will give them a feel of what is going on within…show more content…
These are very important needs for our company to be successful. And to make sure everyone is on the same page, training is a very essential part for the company. Even if it is a new employee who may have had a lot of experience with sales, it is always helpful to learn more about what is going on. The time frame for the training and mentoring program will last for 2 weeks. In addition to the 2 weeks of training the employee will be paid for their in class training. Those 2 weeks in training will touch on team work exercises as well as sales techniques. To ensure that the employees that were selected get a full understanding of everything, there will be handouts as well as in class participation techniques to help out the employees on the new transisiton. Getting the employees involved in the learning will assure that their attention is focused on the skills they need to learn and or work upon. So most of the training will be hands on and will really get the employees thinking. There will actually be a chance in the training class for the new employee to call one of InterCleans customers. If for any reason there is an employee who needs alternate avenues to further their development, there will be mini training sessions that would be offered for anyone who may want to attend to further their learning. The training sessions would only be offered at certain times and it would be more in depth on certain areas that the employee may need more help on. For instance if the employee is having problems with the sales aspect of the company, there will be a mini training session for techniques for improving sales. And to help our new employees with the learning process there will be a mentor who will be there to assist with any problems that may arise. Making sure our customers are treated fairly and and given the

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