There are different things to ensure that you have a productive business. One initiative can be to take the right steps in making sure their employees are experiencing a sense of well being through employee involvement strategies. According to Pincus (1986) employee involvement programs have been defined as long-term comprehensive processes that are developed to enable workers to participate more fully and effectively in problem-solving and decision-making through structured and institutional changes in many aspects of the work environment Four employee involvement strategies that have been seen to be highly effective start with using suggestion boxes, delegating authority, using a task force, and the creation of organizational
As important as it is to run a successful business, it is also important to remember that we are all human and positive verbal and non-verbal communication can go a long way. Through research articles and examination between positive and negative supervisor-subordinate communication and how it affects subordinates job performance and satisfaction at my workplace I will gather my facts needed to write my research paper. This research paper will be beneficial to me and help me become more aware of supervisor-subordinate communication at my work place and help me develop
They must organize each department in the company as well as create time lines for projects, evaluate job plans, and make changes that are needed to improve the company. Also noted by (Williams, 2012,2010)when it comes to running a successful business they must supervise each employee making sure that the employees are completing each assignment in a timely manner. When an employee feels that they can trust their manager they perform at their best. Managers assign job tasks, create schedules, and provide positive feedback to their employees. Instead of just assigning task they must also earn the respect of their employees.
Training Standards and training are very important for the employees to maintain as these are the two things that are essential to ensure that the service is maintained at the necessary level to keep the customers happy. The main aim and goal of customer service is customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is a term generally used to measure a customer's perception of a company's products and services. How to set up a customer service programme? 1.
Communication, behavior, and appearance are three are the crucial factors that make a great professional employee, as these are characteristics that can contribute to a company in its goals to be profitable. Most businesses, no matter the industry, sets certain guidelines to which its employees are expected to adhere to, these rules are usually explained in the employee handbook. Professionalism is essentially, the knowledge that an individual conveys about a certain field. At work, professionalism refers to a person doing his or her job with sincerity, and maintaining professional etiquette and ethics in the workplace. Companies specify which behaviors are acceptable, and which are not, when they first start the hiring process for a new employee.
Group supervison promotes peer support whereas one to one supervision allows appropriate person centred support and more confidential and personal issues to be discussed. Supervisions allow workers to reflect on their practice and receive support to improve the quality of their work. It should aim to decrease the chances of staff ‘burn-out,’ promote safe practice, increase work satisfaction and enhance work performance. Supervision should promote personal development which in turn, enhances quality of the service that they provide and outcomes for service users. It also makes staff feel supported which motivates them to improve the quality of their work.
The second important trait a good employee has is, being proactive. These employees are the ones that do things before they are told to. A boss does not want to have to keep reminding an employee to do their job. If they see that something needs to be done, they will do it. In addition, when work is slow they will find something to do.
Human Resources The Human resources can improve the H&M’s performance in many ways. There are two main processes which are looked at when managing human resources. • Recruitment: H&M must manage this carefully to make sure that they get the right staff for the job, looking at all their CV’s in detail and asking the acceptable questions in interviews is very important and, as a result, will help the organisation run efficiently, have a better performance and provide customers better service. • Staff welfare: This is also very important and H&M manages this by looking after staff and making sure they are all treated equally and that no one is discriminated for whatever reason. Having an environment where everyone is treated fairly will result in employees of H&M feel more valued, happy and more willing to give a better service.
Dialogue with a family member and a stranger can be informal but communication within the workplace is much more proper. Companies consider project collaboration as good business practice so effective communication is a requirement for success. Having effective communication skills is crucial when working with a team of individuals. Confidence is one example of a good communication skill. By showing self confidence when dealing with different personalities that composed a team, the outcome of the task assigned is much more manageable to predict.
Behaviors Your Employee Needs to Know According to Dahlke (2007) an ideal customer service representative chooses to be courteous, respectful, considerate, and helpful to others. They also choose to be responsible for their comments to others. This is very important when working in customer service. People can be unpredictable and they’re not always the nicest, but when that is the case, a customer service rep has to remain in control of their thoughts and emotions. At all times they need to be responsible for what comes out of their mouths when in the company of other people.