How Would It Be to Drive a Driverless Car?

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When you imagine the future, what do you think about? I think about advanced technology, robots that do what you want, computers that are capable of anything, and 3-D printers. How about the futuristic cars? All those are cool, but especially imagine the cars. What if they can fly? What if they run on water? What if they drive by themselves? Although that all seems cool, driverless cars can be sketchy in many ways. It would be weird to not be in control of a moving vehicle. It would not be as safe as a driver control vehicle, unless every other vehicle was driverless. Not to mention, for car enthusiasts, it’ll take all the fun out of their lives. The cars today are loaded with technology. It wasn’t up until a few years ago when cars began to diagnose their own problems with onboard computers. Today, automakers are incorporating android and iPhone Applications that can diagnose problems within the cars computer. In 2003, Toyota introduced intelligent parking. This is a feature that allows the car to parallel park itself. As the driver, all you have to do is hit the gas and brake as the car tells you. That was 10 years ago, and today it is available from the $16,000 Ford focus, all the way up to the luxury BMW 7 series. In 2006, Volvo introduced a technology that automatically stops the car in case of a collision with another vehicle or a pedestrian. If it’s approaching a vehicle too fast, and it senses the driver isn’t paying attention, it will lock the brakes and stop. Self-parking and self-stopping cars are already a step closer to self-driving cars. In fact, Google is currently testing a new technology that allows the car to drive itself. It has a mess of cameras mounted atop the car. As the future unfolds, of course the cameras will become more compact and built in. For experienced drivers, switching to a car that drives itself would be an odd feeling. As

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