How to Get Rid of Bad Habits

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Imagine you are sitting in a class next to a person who is biting his/her nails. Immediately, your focus switches to that person, and you are no longer included in the class discussion. Do you hate this? This is just one of numerous habits people deal with on a daily basis. Habits can often be defined as actions that someone repeats constantly and often does so unconsciously. Bad habits are usually those habits that are considered undesirable. They often have a contextual trigger, and are formed by repeating the same pattern over and over. Thus, in most cases they occur in a specific situation. There are numerous examples of bad habits, such as laziness, lying, smoking or being late. Breaking a bad habit is a process that takes time and patience and is incredibly difficult since as previously mentioned, habits are usually unconscious actions. Even though bad habits are difficult to overcome, there are a few steps that can ease that process. The first step is to realize that you have a problem with bad habits and that you have strongly decided to get rid of them. It is crucial to take some time and consider bad habits as you would consider your qualities because they represent you equally. It is quite hard to realize what those habits are since every person is subjective when trying to observe him/herself, but when you make that step, everything else is easier. Every person needs to take an outside view of his/her life and identify what habits he/she needs to change since only then can the process begin. Furthermore, dedication is crucial to succeeding in what you aimed for, in this case removing these undesirable habits. When a person decides to beat the unhealthy habits, it is necessary to be devoted and try the best one can do. The second step is to choose one bad habit because it is more efficient to overcome one habit at a time. Bad habits are a problem
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