How Poverty Affects Obesity

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How Poverty Affects Obesity English 135 How Poverty Affects Obesity How fast would you die if you didn’t have food? A better question might be how fast could you die if you did have food? Americans are slowly eating themselves to death; getting larger and larger and the more financially disadvantaged you are the quicker the food you are eating will kill you. Obesity also has a stronghold on the weakest of society, the children. Although obesity in adults continues to rise, the citizens of this nation are accustomed and less attuned to this issue. Never in the history of this country have there been so many obese children; and we are not prepared to deal with the enormous consequences childhood obesity will bring. Physical and neurological impairment, that could lead to a nation plagued with chronic illness, insurmountable debt and financial ruin. Although all are at risk for obesity, none are more at risk than those who are poverty stricken. The poor in this country are not able to afford healthy food, nor are they in the position to spend time exercising, both of which could help reduce their chances of obesity; lowering the cost of healthy foods through government subsides, and creating programs that support healthy living and exercise in poor neighborhoods could be two solutions to this growing problem. The poor are at greater risk for obesity due to their inability to afford healthy food. Healthy foods are more expensive than unhealthy foods and are not as available in low income neighborhoods where the poor often live. Conversely, unhealthy foods are readily available in close proximity to many low income neighborhoods. In a study by Sharkey, Johnson, Dean, and Horal (2011) proximity to fast food was related to the amount of fast food meals consumed by women. Although poverty is not unique to urban centers, many highly populated poor neighborhoods are in

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