How Does Communication and Ethics Impact Your Professional Life?

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How does communication and ethics impact your professional life? How does communication and ethics impact your professional life? When asked this question you must look deep in yourself. The reason why I say that is because ultimately it will be based on your morals. Where are the lines and how will you know where to draw them? When I was in the military we had very strict guidelines to follow. Who you could hang out with or what you could say. Very strict. But it also taught me what right and wrong was in the work place. Even how you sent an email to a superior had to be thought out. I knew where I stood on all this but I wanted to do some research on the subject to see what else was out there. When I came across ("How Personal Ethics Affect Professional Ethics in the Workplace," 2013, p. 1) and read it, I found it to be very interesting. And when I was reading it I had to ask myself what I would do. Yes they are your friend but they are doing wrong. And if you are going to be dedicated to your workplace then the only thing to do would be to advise your higher management. But if you are a true leader and a good friend then after the advisement you go to your friend to tell them. Tell them that you turned them in and will help them in their time of need. Show them where they are lacking and teach them to do better. Ultimately it’s on you and how you want to be seen. What do you think is right and how dedicated are you to your job? I know that I always want to advance my career but I don’t want to have smut on my past. References How Personal Ethics Affect Professional Ethics in the Workplace. (2013). Retrieved from

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