The Comparison of Ethical Codes

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The Comparison of Ethical Codes Ethics guide not only personal life but also ones professional life. Codes of Ethics are developed for many different purposes, ultimately designed to help individuals’ better serve their clients in their professional life. Ethics represents inspirational goals, or the maximum or ideal standards, set by the profession, and they are enforced by professional associations, national certification boards, and government boards that regulate professions (Woodside & McClam, 2010). As professionals, one must understand clearly that once they act outside of their organizations Code of Ethics, they are no longer are acting as a professional with in that organization. A code of ethics supplied by a business is a specific kind of policy statement. A properly outlined code is, in effect, a form of legislation within the company required by its employees, with specific agreements for violation of the code. Violation of any organizations Code can cause legal accusations or dismissal from a job. The Ethical Standards of Human Service Professionals provides specific “rules” to follow that will protect the client’s welfare with respect and integrity. With the client’s best interest at heart, the helping professional should begin the relationship by establishing mutually agreed-upon goals, while informing the clients of the limitations of the relationship (Woodside & McClam, 2010). The ACA and NAADAC and the Human service Code of ethics share many similar responsibilities. I feel that one responsibilities of all groups is that the professional counselor must avoid imposing his own values on clients and use objectivity and integrity. The counselor must have an unconditional regard for each individual client and the client's unique background and personal views (NAADAC, 2013). The American Association of Christian counselors (AACC) differs from the

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